Blast Protection for Parking Lots

Blasting Wall Built Into Parking Lot Wall
After the 9-11 terrorist attack, a lot of policies rapidly changed, including regulations related to parking lots and garages.
Once the incidents occurred, the Federal Aviation Administration implemented a directive that prevented parking garages from operating within 300 feet of an airport terminal, which immediately placed many businesses in a difficult situation. Without many financially viable ways around the order, a lot of garages lost thousands of dollars in revenue.
TM International, LLC aims to provide better and more cost-efficient protection methods that all parking garages can use to enhance their safety while meeting necessary directives. The unique design for our blast shields and walls, which appear all over the world, have found uses in plenty of airports, as well petrochemical plants, stadiums and government agencies.
With our help, you can build a blast-resistant parking garage that's ready for any situation.
Our Blast Shields Will Create a Blast-Resistant Parking Garage
We've perfected our designs over more than nine decades of experience. The result is a product that you can implement in a variety of ways to increase customer safety, convenience and peace of mind. Not only that, but you can also keep your parking garage's structural integrity intact in the event of a nearby blast or shockwave. We forge our steel-woven blast shields to be the epitome of durability, all while maintaining versatility.
You can customize your order as necessary to fit your specific needs, and we'll gladly oblige. Our products are reasonably lightweight in relation to their toughness, which makes them easy to transport and install. No matter the age of your structure, you can get blast shields and walls to perform retrofits and meet your requirements and circumstances.
The weave leaves enough openness to allow for the venting of dust and gases, which means there won't be any overaccumulation in the event of an incident. That doesn't prevent our shields from stopping projectiles dead in their tracks, as we test them with 9,000-psi blasts of air.
Ultimately, they can reduce the peak pressure of explosions and shockwaves by more than 50%, which can make all the difference between life and death in many instances. The design also catches and absorbs flying particles without bouncing them in another direction, which ensures no collateral damage.
Contact TM International, LLC to Find Out More About Our Blast Resistance Solutions
With shields and walls that can absorb up to 6,500 J/cm2 of energy, you can feel confident in your parking garage's blast mitigation efforts. TM International, LLC stands as one of the best manufacturers in the explosive safety field, and we consistently deliver quality to our clients with proven results.
You can also benefit from a series of other products that we design to enhance overall safety. If you need a consultation, our representatives will gladly help you in any way they can. We even offer free quotes on our products and services.